29 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Crying as an Evolutionary Strategy

Crying evolved to serve the infant's purposes: to assure protection, adequate feeding, and nurturing for an organism that cannot care for itself. By definition, crying is designed to elicit a response, to activate emotions, to play on the empathy of another. The "other" is usually the mother or father or a related caretaker. The caretaker has also evolved the sensory mechanism to recognize that infant cries are a signal of unhappiness, and thus be motivated to do something about it. This ki...
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Infants cry to motivate mothers to care for them and to promote continual feeding that prevents the mother from ovulating.

23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Cannibalism as an Example of Maladaptive Meme

A seriously maladaptive example is the practice of cannibalism in the funeral rites of a New Guinea highland tribe called the Fore. As part of complex rituals honouring their dead the Fore ate parts of the human bodies. In fact, they preferred eating pork to human flesh and so the men tended to get more of this prized food, leaving the women and children to more cannibalism (Durham 1991). This practice led directly to an epidemic of the degenerative disease kuru, which killed about 2500 Fore ...
Folksonomies: memetics maladaptive meme
Folksonomies: memetics maladaptive meme
  1  notes

Cannibalism in Fore tribe members persists as a meme in the tribe despite killing 50 percent of its carriers.